Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Calligraphy - Schmalligraphy

FI and I are hastily trying to get our invitations out the door. I am busting through our invite list and addressing invites, no small feat.

Since I'm typically fairly crafty I figured I could teach myself to calligraph (is that a word?) my invitations. Then I bought some short-cut, cheater calligraphy pens - the kind with no ink insert, sort of like a marker. I was primed and ready to go, and let's just say the result was not so great.

Now, I'm using those fancy pens I bought but without the technique. They're coming out, um, okay. I'll post photos of the end result.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Save the Date!

So, if you're checking this out you know that my hubby-to-be and I are furiously planning for our Georgia wedding in the fall.
Above is our DIY, vintage save-the-date postcard. Well, they were sort of vintage - we actually got them printed but to look vintage. I got the idea from a couple on the knot (their on-line bio got moved, or else I'd show you, but here's an example of one along with ours. My fiance did a good job with printing, right?