Tuesday, July 7, 2009

DIY – Paper Pomanders

First Photo: oncewed.com, Laurie Canotto
Second and Third Photo: vintageglamblog.com, Amanda

FI and I have been affected by the economy like so many others – we got notice that his work term will end in November after 8 years on his job. We still have a wedding budget and are doing better than many others, but we’re looking for ways to cut dollars.

Our plan is to cut our wedding spending overall to make sure we still have funds after the ceremony. One idea is for me – crafty me – to handle the ceremony décor. And since I’m allergic to everything, including flowers, I’m looking at making some version of a paper / ribbon pomander to hang on the pews.

What’s a pomander? A flower ball. Don’t worry, I didn’t know what that was before this wedding.

Tell me what you think?